Novice eyelash artist operating instructions - what are the basic steps of eyelash beauty

Novice eyelash artist operating instructions - what are the basic steps of eyelash beauty

I'd like to share with you a detailed procedure for eyelash extensions for newbie eyelash artists, and I look forward to assisting you beginners or those who are interested in eyelashes.

The first step: get ready for sterilization and special tools in advance!

The first thing we have to do is sterilization, after the consumer lies down, put the cotton towel to the forehead of the consumer, covering the consumer's eyebrows! (The cotton towel is to avoid touching the consumer's skin!) Before the actual operation, we have to use disinfectant for their own hands to disinfect, and then to use the special tools to disinfect a little!

Disinfection sterilization of this time can chat with consumers, one can enhance the relationship between each other, the second to spread some artistic aesthetics, to give consumers a feeling of thoughtful service and professional ability!

Step 2: Clean up the eyelashes and get good medical care.

Clean and dry the stains on the eyelashes to ensure that they are neat and tidy in case they affect the adhesion of the powerful glue of the eyelash extensions that follow.

Carefully clean each eyelash, then use the unique tape to cut it according to the slope of the eyes and stick it under the eyes (the key is to avoid the glue sticking to the skin)

Step 3: Protect your left and right eyelashes

Separate the left and right eyelashes by cutting a suitable range of protective film (medical tape, eye film, or eye paper stickers). This will prevent the eyelash extensions from mixing together (mixing together will cause the strong adhesive of the eyelash extensions to stick to the unattached eyelashes or eyelids)

Step 4: Build up the eyelashes

Use an eyelash comb or medical tweezers to build up the eyelashes one by one, so that the extensions stick to the eyelashes one by one more strongly.

Step 5: Prepare the eyelash extensions in advance

Depending on the length of the customer's eyelashes, select the most suitable eyelashes of different materials and place them on the water table (or on a sponge pad or neat non-proof cloth).

The eyelash extensions are glued to the original eyelashes one by one with a strong adhesive, and can be matched to different lengths according to the slope and length of your own eyelashes.

Step 6: Eyelash extensions one by one

In the case of gluing eyelashes, there may be some anxiety because the pointed medical tweezers are working on the eyelids, but if the consumer's eyelids are tense, it may cause inconvenience to the eyelash extensions, so it is important to make the consumer as relaxed as possible.

1. Shake the eyelash extensions with a strong adhesive in order to mix the minerals.

2. squeeze the appropriate strong glue on the glue table, each time you take the bottom glue less, you can take the glue diligently.

3. medical tweezers to the end of the chemical fiber of the eyelashes, the root 2/3 up and down into the glue, and then gently drag out.

4. Glue the false eyelashes to the side of the real eyelashes, spacing the skin 0.5 - 1mm, not more than 1.5mm.

5. Each eyelash extension should be grafted to the top of a real eyelash.

6. At least two-thirds of the length of the eyelashes should be attached to the extensions, and make sure that the eyelash slope of the extensions is consistent.

7. Distance one eyebrow extension from the next eyelash that must be grafted to prevent adhesion between them.

Step 7: Checking the results of the extensions

If the extensions have fallen off or are unsatisfactory, they must be repaired and repaired.

Step 8: Dry the eyelashes

Blow the eyelashes for 5-10 minutes with a small electric fan or a blow dryer, and then open your eyes without shaking your eyes. But ab glue drying must be at least half an hour, during this time sensitive areas of consumers may be tears, this time can comfort consumers, this is a normal condition, a little rest and wait for a while will be better.

Step 9: Scrub and clean the upper eyelid

Remove the fresh bag from the lower eyelid and wipe the lower eyelid with toilet paper or dry makeup remover pads.